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Tech Solutions

Beautiful clients, Genuine reviews


Okan was fantastic. Knowledgeable, friendly, extremely professional. What I also enjoyed about his work is his intellectual curiosity. The enthusiasm he has for understanding and solving technical issues is rare and a lot of fun. And, his English is better than mine! I’d hire hire Okan again in a heartbeat.


It was an absolute pleasure working with Okan on a performance improvement project. He took the time to understand and deliver to our specific requirements in detail and went the extra mile to identify further areas to achieve even more. He is methodical, detailed and is a great communicator. His patience to explain everything was invaluable. I highly recommend Okan for performance improvement work and will hire again.


“Okan was fantastic. Knowledgeable, friendly, extremely professional. What I also enjoyed about his work is his intellectual curiosity. The enthusiasm he has for understanding and solving technical issues is rare and a lot of fun. And, his English is better than mine! I’d hire hire Okan again in a heartbeat.”

What does Tech Solutions "solve"?



Web development is akin to solving a complex puzzle. It involves piecing together intricate components, working through intricate codes, and aligning various elements to create a beautiful and functional website.

The beauty lies not in the puzzle itself but in the finished masterpiece it unveils.

Here at Tech Solutions, we believe that business is a symbiotic relationship.

We enjoy the puzzles and our clients enjoy the beauty of their websites and how simple it is for them to manage their websites with our help.

Our Strengths


One size does not fit all, and we understand that each website has unique requirements. We excel in tailoring websites to meet your specific needs.


It is our priority to choose and use/advise the best platform for your web application.



  • For a personal blog: WordPress and Webflow are very easy to use,


  • For E-commerce: Shopify may be a better option, and WooCommerce is a valid alternative.


  • For more complicated web applications: custom PHP is preferred.

Ongoing support

Our commitment to your project doesn’t end with the website’s launch.

We provide ongoing support and maintenance to address any issues, updates, or enhancements your website may require, ensuring its long-term success.


Timely Updates: We keep your website up to date with the latest software, security patches, and plugins to ensure optimal performance and protect against vulnerabilities.


Technical Assistance: Should you encounter any technical issues or require assistance, our support team is just a message or call away. We’re here to troubleshoot and resolve any challenges promptly.


Performance Optimization: We continuously monitor your website’s performance and take steps to optimize speed, load times, and overall user experience.

Clarity of Mind

What our noticed throughout the years is, clients are very anxious and their websites are always in their sub-conscious mind.


We, homo sapiens, are evolved to fear the unknown. It makes perfect sense that you are anxious that something bad will happen to your website, such as getting hacked, updates breaking your WordPress website, losing potential customers due to bad website speed…


We, at Tech Solutions, solve these problems by constantly monitoring your website for you. We know exactly which problems to look for and which problems affect websites severely. And we will take care of them before you even notice the problems.


Good communication

We at, Tech Solution, know that communication matters as much as the work itself.


Good communication is:


  • Understanding our clients’ requirements quickly,
  • Explaining to our clients how we will approach the task at hand,
  • Clear understanding of the deadlines and the price,
  • Making sure everyone 
  • Answering our clients’ queries in 24 hours. (Our avarage response time is below 12h)

Continuous learning

It is very common to say that “I’m an expert on x”, and it’s understandable. But: yesterday’s experts are not tomorrrow’s experts! Technology evolves very quickly that any information anyone’s learned in the 90s or even a few years ago can be useless.


A beautiful example to this is the famous H1 tag. So-called experts can tell you that you can only have 1 H1 tag and that it’s an important ranking factor.


Surprise, it is not! You can have as many h1 tags as you want or none. What’s the source of this information? John Mueller from Google! If you want to read more about what he said, click here to read the article at Search Engine Journal.


So, what matters is having an open mind, having curiosity and loving research!


We, at Tech Solutions see Development as a science. We gather info, we run experiments,  if it doesn’t work we try other methods and approaches and eventually, we find the solutions!

Your business is our business

There are various advantages to getting services from big businesses and small businesses. Smaller businnesses tend to care more about their clients’ businesses.  And bigger businesses are more reliable and timely because of their resources and workforce.


We are not interested in getting the whole pie for ourselves, a slice, of wonderful customers is what we have and the quality far outweighs the potential quantity.


So, we, at Tech Solutions care about your business.


  • Whenever we have ideas about improving your business, we share that with you without charging extra.
  • If you request something from Tech Solutions and we think that’s not helpful for your business, we will make sure to tell you that before getting started.
  • We can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

Our Weaknesses

We have weaknesses (who knew!)

And we would like to mention them so that you can decide better.

We are a small business

We don’t have countless employees that waits on the line as you can see in the about us page. This has its upsides and downsides.


The upside is that once we start collaborating you’ll have a dedicated person, and the downside is that potential customers can wait on the queue if the workload is particulary high that week.


Limited platforms

For now, we work with WordPress, Shopify, Webflow and PHP. If you have a C++ project let’s say, we can’t help with that directly. You can consult us to hire the right freelancers & developers for the job. 


We call that service Consultation and it can be seen on the services page or you can directly go to this page to get a quote in 24-48 hours.

Time difference

We are located in Turkey (UTC+3) and though the time difference is not a problem for most of our clients, some people prefer to work with people in their time zone.


Again, mostly we’re handed the instructions & requests and we deliver them with minimal help from the client-side. So, time difference doesn’t pose a problem to us, but we wanted to mention this so that you can decide it for yourself.

Lack of phone support

Currently, we don’t have a phone line.  We plan to implement live chat soon, in fact by the time you read this live chat may have already been implemented. In that case, you can see the live chat at the bottom right corner of the website.