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Tech Solutions

Showcase > CallHub

In this section, you can see the desktop and mobile versions of the website without leaving the site. To visit the website and see for yourself: visit CallHub.

Meet CallHub and the Tech Behind

CallHub offers arious tools like mass texting, sending a voice recording to all your contacts at once and other tools in their arsenal as Callhab is a go-to product for anyone that wants to reach their contact list with calling and texting at scale.

« CallHub’s mission is to make scalable communication possible for organizations, no matter their size or use case. »

To learn more about CallHub:  Click here to visit CallHub

  • WordPress
  • Cloudflare
  • PHP (Backend)
  • Web Stack (CSS,  HTML,  JavaScript,  jQuery)

CallHub is using Divi as the parent theme.

  • Gravity Forms

  • WP and Divi Icons

  • Easy Table of Contents

  • Popup Maker

  • WP Rocket

  • Yoast SEO

What did TechSolutions do for Callhub?

We were hired to optimize the PageSpeed scores of CallHub.

Bulk PageSpeed Test Results

It is very important to improve all pages’ speed. Here, you can see some URLs speed and see that our speed optimization improved all pages!

You can Click here to test your pages in bulk , if your pages don’t have great scores; contact our speed optimization expert Okan Çolak at [email protected] 


You can also use our page to get a quote for your website in 24h.