[email protected]

Tech Solutions

About us

Okan Çolak initially started his work on Upwork. After having a tremendous success on Upwork, he has decided to scale the business. Having worked with dozens of clients and businesses, he has concluded that the time has come!


At the moment, Tech Solutions is a small company founded in Turkey. The head of the operation is Okan and the rest of the team is behind the curtains.


All the work is checked and confirmed by Okan if not solely done by him in the first place. As the company grows, we plan to have more employees.

Okan Çolak

The founder of Tech Solutions

Born in 1999, 13th of September. From a very young age, I’ve shown genuine interest to science. Back then, around when I was 10, biology, evolution in particular, math and physics were my favourite science fields.


I studied physics at the university briefly before I had to quit due to medical reasons. I got better after having spent a few years on improving my health via exercising and eating more nutritiously.


By that time, I was working full-time and I noticed that I loved Web Development. And my analytical brain proved to be very useful for web development.


Since then Web Development has been what I do. That makes around 15 years of experience in science and 5 years of experience in Web Development.